Dietary Changes. »
Prescription Medications. »
Bowel Training. »
Invasive Surgery. »
The SECCA Treatment. »
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Dietary Changes
Food affects the consistency of stool and how quickly it passes through the digestive system. Adjusting what is eaten and when may be helpful in management of FI.
Avoid gas producing foods (beans, cabbage, etc.)
Foods high in fat and large meals can trigger symptoms
Certain sweeteners, honey and also some fruits are poorly absorbed by the bowels
Avoid caffeine, fried foods, spicy foods and alcohol

Prescription Medications
In certain patients chronic diarrhea is the cause of FI. In these cases prescription medications may help.
antidiarrheal medications such as loperamide or diphenoxylate
bulk laxatives to create a more regular bowel movement pattern

Bowel Training
Bowel training may help some people relearn to control their bowel movements.
May involve strengthening pelvic floor muscles
Condition the bowels to empty at a specific time of day

Invasive Surgery
There are various procedures involving invasive surgical repair of damaged tissue. These procedures typically require a general anesthesia and may require overnight or multiple day hospital stays.
Implanting an artificial anal sphincter
Replacing the anal muscle with a graft from a limb
Implanting a nerve stimulation devicelike a pacemaker

The Secca Treatment
Secca is an effective outpatient procedure for patients who prefer a less invasive option and have failed to respond to first line therapies.
60 minute procedure
Daycase Procedure, no hospital stay
1-2 day return to normal activity
Effective results shown in multiple studies