February 21st, 2012

About Mederi

Mederi Therapeutics manufactures and markets innovative medical devices that deliver radiofrequency energy to treat disease. Mederi Therapeutics holds over 80 patents in the use of RF energy for treatment of disease states affecting the human digestive system. The first two products — Secca, for treatment of bowel incontinence or BCD (bowel control disorder) and Stretta, for treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — have demonstrated clinical effectiveness in numerous studies. All Mederi therapies are outpatient (same day), minimally invasive (no incisions or scars) and promote rapid recovery for patients. Mederi Therapeutics is located in Greenwich, Connecticut.

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Follow Mederi on Twitter @MederiNews. Keep up to date with the latest information on Secca Therapy and Stretta Therapy and the disease states they treat. If you’re interested in the conditions GERD and Bowel Control Disorder, their prevalence and treatment options, follow Mederi.

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Here at Fico Centre we manage appointments for the Secca Therapy Treatments in the UK.

Call us now on 0844 561 6606 visit http://www.ficocentre.co.uk for further information on appointments, training for surgeons and LIVE courses across the UK.


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