The Secca Procedure Workshop at University College London Hospital held yesterday was well attended by 30 delegates from the UK : Exeter, Bristol, Edinburgh, Southend, London, Birmingham, Peterborough, Cardiff, Sheffield, Reading, Doncaster, Canterbury and Liverpool and from abroad Germany, Lebannon, Switzerland, Italy.
All delegates found it to be of high value scoring 4.5 out of 5 for academic output, organisation and value.
Professor Professor S Wexner (pictured) said “There is a significant unmet need for the minimally invasive treatment of mild to moderate faecal incontinence. Radiofrequency therapy may provide a safe, effective alternative”.
Fico Centre arranges out-patient appointments of the Secca Procedure for those suffering with Faecal Incontinence. Appointments are available across the UK with dedicated surgeons.
Further Workshops will be arranged during the year, for registration please contact 0844 561 6606 for further information